Thursday, October 28, 2010


You are luck to know who you are. Trust me. I did not found out about myself until I was in my 30's.

It does get better as you get older. If you can't find help where you live. Go online to get help. There are people out there who has been in the same boat as you. If you go to You Tube and type "it gets better" or click here, you will see lot of people like you who knows what you went thought. I don't know you pain, but I know the pain my city council member went though. Please watch his video on You Tube. Fort Worth City Council Member Joel Burns Video. I would love to help you too. You can e-mail me at

Friday, October 15, 2010

Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents

I want to share some thing I think Amreicans for truth should do. Let use some from their blog called Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents.

No sincere Christian supports violence or hatred directed at homosexuals. In fact, Christians want homosexuals to accept Christ, repent of their sin and be forgiven — and change their lifestyle, as countless former “gays” have. Violence and abuse toward homosexuals is the work of people who reject Christian love and compassion.

Ok I want to share what I made bold and red.

No sincere Christian supports violence or hatred directed at homosexuals - I have not found any clue that christan have use violence, but I think some have use violence. I never hear those who say "Homosexaulity is a sin and don't use violence aganist them." So what do these people might do? You guess it right.

as countless former “gays” have. - I would like to see if the ex-gays who are truely happy?

Violence and abuse toward homosexuals is the work of people who reject Christian love and compassion. - Oh look a lie. I am gay (dud) and I been to a pagan worship time and they did not use Violence and abuse toward me. I felt welcome with them.

I wonder if they got the truth from.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Americans For Truth

I am getting the emails from Americans For Truth. You might be asking why. I am tired of their opinions without me sharing my. It is time for me to make my off the emails I get. I will not share my email adderess with you. I do not want them to know who is watching them. Its not the same email as my blogger is conneted to. Feel free to comment on what I say.

Thank You
Thomas Rea