Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fort Worth Gay Bar Raided

I am very mad and realy upset. I thought that raiding gay bars is in the past. I GUESS IM WRONG. Im so mad that I want to cuss on here, but I want more people to read without being affended. If you want to read more about gay bar raids I will list name to search of web sites.

Past Raid
Stonewall Riot
Stonewall Inn in New York City

Today Riot
Fort Worth
Rainbow Lounge

Web Sites

Saturday, May 30, 2009

MAD @ Courts

I'm mad at California Supreme Court for their unthinking ruling of Proposition 8! I think they should have notice that some misinform Christians have gave money to vote "YES" on Proposition 8. I say we need to fight to remove the Proposition 8 from the law books and make sure their are no other version of Proposition 8 in the U.S.A.

Yes I did said some
Christians, I'm a Christian who goes to a gay church.